the great flood
i'm really lucky, all considering.
the babes and our apartment are ok, but the hurricane came for my temporary studio space. and water, as gentle and soothing as it can be in other forms - in this storm, was brutal and unforgiving.
so, here we are.
less than seven hours after we closed on our house sale, seven years of work washed away : back stock, paper, journals, some current orders, all copies of always looking, including the new release, and the was-supposed-to-be-released one.
i spent time this week catching my breath, cleaning, discarding, trying my gd hardest to save my presses and any sliver of samples i had of past work. my poor mom, the best person in the world.
i just moved my current entire life back to a place near where i grew up my entire life, and had my entire work world washed away, in the ground level of the house i grew up in. my temporary saving grace. perhaps still a saving grace?
a chance to start anew. and truly focus energy into the aspects that feel inspiring.
right now, i'm still in a bit of shock, but it seems minor in comparison to what others are dealing with so i feel grateful too.
that being said, i have got to be a bit creative to land on my feet in this situation. i originally shut down my site completely, but it is also my livelihood. and we know what the past couple years have been like and i know, i'm a pragmatist, i must do something proactive.
i've set my site up to be fully pre-order for the time being. i'm looking at a new studio space and hope to get the presses (fingers crossed) up and running by mid october. it's going to be a journey, but maybe one you want to take with me?
if you were going to order any stationery or books for the holidays, i ask that you please do it now via my website, with the goal in mind that by early november, you will have your order in your hands.
to be clear, i'm also working in the interim with a local printer to get my custom orders printed in case that you have an order pending or want to place one - still totally possible for the timeline you need. what is not possible right now is me fulfilling my orders from my site of my line since my entire stock of that, my boxes, packaging etc everything was lost.
if you don't need any stationery or books, please no worries, but maybe you could share this with someone who may?
that's it for now. hopefully i will have an update for you sooner than later.
what a cathartic experience. one that truly took away my footing, but the only way forward is to get back onward with a sliver of hope and some support from my friends.
it's all happening.
thank you again for being here with me.
as always, megan