time is a spiral


i’ve really been thinking about how this past year has shifted our concept of time.

throughout my life, I’ve always marked time in different ways. I am a huge lover of birthdays and always used that as a personal marker for myself, for my time. my half year falls close enough to the new year to make it feel like it’s a logical way to map things out.

during these last three years though, a quarantine way of life since the end of my twin pregnancy (albeit starting as self imposed and transitioning to globally imposed) has shifted my perception of time and the ways in which we mark it for ourselves.

diving into a bit more abstract, yet grounding, concepts over the course of these years, i am open to reflecting on another way for myself to mark time, leaning on one of the oldest traditions, and i hope that you will open up to this idea as well.

time is a spiral is a series of poster calendars delineating the year through the equinox and solstice occurrences. a calendar ruled by the sun and the moon - it highlights the new moons with the cosmic energy they bring in and invites us to challenge ourselves to find a way to bring that into an area of our life.

if we are all energy and matter, how can we work with what’s happening on a scale that is much bigger than ourselves?

as I continue to my usual research spiral of ancient rituals, i wanted something tangible to help me reframe and refocus my days and connect me a bit closer to the natural, mysterious world.

four posters make up the collection for the year : vernal equinox, summer solstice, autumnal equinox and winter solstice.

11x17” full sheet, you can fold it in any way that’s easier for you. Printed digitally full color front and back on recycled hemp paper. Enough space to write in other notes or details about the month as it goes and hopefully can be assembled as a full print or series of them when the season has passed.

closing thoughts : send a text or note to a friend, share an article or photo that will inspire someone, make sure someone you know knows you are thinking about them!

hope everyone and all that you know are still healthy and doing alright.

also make some time to read this year! and if you have (or know) a lil one….

always looking is a series of photography picture books meant to inspire young eyes to see everyday things in a new way.

this book is designed for the young ones who are looking with or without you, as well as the older ones who are learning about art, design, photography and composition.

in short: it’s a not-so-precious first photography book, in long: always looking will engage and inspire your awareness of the present moment - and foster that in your young one (and remind us of it).

* david james swanson prints are two for $100 with code APAIR

custom letter stationery gift box

I am so, so grateful for all of your continued support and have some other exciting things in the near future to share with you. …so until then

two reminders : if you haven’t already added in your address to get a free notecard, do so here! and if you place an order and want to me to handwrite a note for you, do so here!

AND if you have an idea that you and I can collaborate, please let me know!

community is more important than ever right now.

as always,


tiny bones press